[Idea] Proposal for Public Disclosure of NFT Holdings by Account




This proposal calls for the public disclosure of the number of NFTs (Genesis, Mutant, and Human) held by each account. This transparency is crucial for discussions about the $BOOZE tokenomics, as it allows the community to assess the distribution of the token airdrop more accurately. By providing this information in an accessible manner, we align with the values of Web3 and blockchain transparency, enabling more informed debates and decisions within the DAO.


In order to have a meaningful discussion about the $BOOZE tokenomics structure, it is essential to understand how the token airdrop is distributed among individual holders. If the airdrop allocation is excessively concentrated among a few individuals, it introduces potential risks and influences that must be taken into account during decision-making processes. Making this information publicly available will contribute positively to ongoing discussions.

While all information is technically accessible on the blockchain, most community members may not have the knowledge or technical skills to extract data from blockchain explorers like Mintscan. Therefore, releasing a clear and simple report that details the quantity of Genesis, Mutant, and Human NFTs held by each wallet address is necessary. This action will facilitate more open discussions and align with the ethos of Web3 and blockchain technology: transparency and equal access to information.


  • Public Disclosure: The development team will release a comprehensive list of wallet addresses with their corresponding quantities of Genesis, Mutant, and Human NFTs. This report should be published by the end of September to provide the community ample time to consider this data in future discussions.
  • Accessibility: The list will be made available in a user-friendly format (e.g., Google SpreadSheet) and posted on the official DAO communication channels, such as the project website, forums, or Discord.
  • Data Sources: The data will be sourced directly from the blockchain to ensure accuracy. Goodgang Labs, as the development team, likely has API access for development purposes, allowing them to provide this data without the need for reverse-engineering network consoles or manually exploring blockchain data. This transparency is in line with the principles of Web3 and should not be technically challenging given the resources available to the team.


Disclosing NFT holdings by account will serve multiple purposes:

  1. Enhance Tokenomics Discussion: By understanding the distribution of NFT holdings, the community can better analyze the potential impact of token airdrops and make informed decisions on the tokenomics structure.
  2. Reduce Information Barriers: Most users do not have the technical expertise to retrieve blockchain data independently. This proposal aims to level the playing field by providing this information in a format that is easily accessible to everyone, thereby promoting transparency and participation.
  3. Support Web3 Values: Transparency and equal access to information are core values of the Web3 and blockchain ecosystems. Publicly sharing NFT holdings aligns with these values and helps foster trust within the community.

Implementation Steps

  1. Data Collection: Goodgang Labs will utilize their existing API access to gather data on wallet addresses and their associated NFT quantities (Genesis, Mutant, Human).
  2. Report Generation: The data will be compiled into a user-friendly format (e.g., Google SpreadSheet) that lists each wallet address along with its NFT holdings.
  3. Public Release: The compiled report will be published on official DAO communication channels by the end of September 2024.
  4. Ongoing Discussions: After the data is released, the community is encouraged to engage in discussions on how this distribution may impact tokenomics and future decision-making.


This proposal seeks to enhance transparency within the DAO by making information about NFT holdings publicly accessible. By doing so, we enable more informed and equitable discussions about the $BOOZE tokenomics and governance. Given the development team’s resources and access to APIs, this information can be provided efficiently without any significant technical obstacles. I believe this step is in line with the principles of Web3 and will strengthen the trust and collaboration within our community.

Thank you for submitting your proposal.

While it outlines implementation steps involving Goodgang Labs providing data, no prior consent was obtained from Goodgang Labs. Therefore, we will move this post to the “Idea Submission” section.

For initial data, please refer to the BGIP-1 vote results.

We will share the data retrieval process once the DOSI team provides the relevant guidelines.

According to the guidelines from the DOSI team, you can retrieve the data using this API, after signing up for the DOSI SDK.